Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What type of instructor am I?

I refer to Total Karate, another blog. In a recent post from November 3rd, the author discusses martial arts instructors. I've posted a comment on his blog, and I saw fit to post it here as well. See the original article on his blog.
I appreciate the ideas. The problem you run into here is that the public is unaware of most of this. To 14 year old Zack and his dad, a martial arts teacher is a martial arts teacher. Without conducting a little research, they have no idea even what questions they should be asking of Master Lee down the street. Afterall, if Master Lee is Asian, doesn't that make him credible? Under your system, I may also be classified as "recreational", though I'm not sure that's a term I'd prefer. I see the arts as something beyond recreation. They are supposed to be "ways" of life, so to speak. As such, I'd like to add that sort of classification here. I suggest that some instructors have neither a "practical" or "competition" based focus, but one of philosophical self betterment akin to that of yoga or tai chi. This is certainly where I personally fit in, though I attempt to market to a wider audience than that alone. Check out my website: Blue Mountain Martial Arts ...It is my hope that what I've discussed above is evident there. Thank you.


Mir said...

Nice to see that I was able to start reading your blog from it's birth. You can bet that I'll be one of your faithful readers!!!

I visited your dojo website. REALLY nice! That's a lovely facility that you are having your classes in. Great flooring, and space!

I love your mission statement:

"Mr. Jacobs has a mission to inspire, enlighten, and have fun; to spread his love of martial arts around the world, one person at a time."

Fantastic! Just what I would want from a Sensei. I wish you great success in your dojo.

Stephen Irwin said...


Just called in from Total Karate :)

ice blog and website, I'll be reading your site again.

Best wishes for your site and dojo.